Thursday, August 8, 2013

Are there birthdays in Heaven?

Barbi Kantor-Goldenberg
Happy Birthday, dear friend.  Has it really been only 9 months since you left us, and so soon after Janice's passing?  You have not been forgotten.  Your FB page is still active and there are many loving birthday wishes on there for you.  I don't think I have ever known another person who was so special to so many people - like everyone's best friend.  Your suffering is over and God knows you fought a valiant fight.  You deserve the rest.  I just was not up to posting a tribute to you after your passing, as I did for Janice.  It was just too raw and I was hurting too badly.  Rest easy, dear one.  I do hope the angels are singing Happy Birthday!


Pattyskypants said...

So sad to lose such a dear friend! xxoo

Nancy said...

Patrice,thank you. It is so hard to believe that someone so vital, could be gone.

stitchersanon said...

Hi Nancy,
I am so so sorry: I have only just checked my past posts and seen your comment.
In reply to your post; of course they do birthdays: our spirit is our spirit. It doesnt change just because we live in a different place: just becomes a bit more understanding, a bit more loving because we are no longer bogged down by 'real life' issues. If your friend loved birthdays I am sure the angels will be sure to let her know you wish her happy birthday.

I live in Southern Ireland: I am English but have Irish grand parents and there is no difference down here: Ireland is Ireland, north or south: just one place xxx If I go to where your family comes from I will gladly take some photos from you. My usual blog is under stitcheranon but feel free to leave comments on that or the fifty shades. For some reason I cannot email you but if you ever want to get in touch you can email me on I didnt realise when you chose an email addy you could chose the ending: .ie or rofl. Thank you for taking the time to leave a message xxxxxx I will see what I have to help your own charity xxx

Nancy said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. I miss her so much. She was the healthiest person I knew, little but mighty, a kodanja master, all of 5' and 98 lbs soaking wet. She ate right, didn't smoke or drink, but when she did not bounce back after all the prep for her daughter's wedding, she went to the doctor it and was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia. She fought it so hard. Besides all her talent as an incredible porcelain doll artist, it is amazing to see how many people considered her their best friend. She was that kind of friend, When she was talking to you, or emailing, you felt like you were the only person she cared about. She loved with her whole, entire being. The loss of that kind of individual leaves a terrible void. I thank you for your compassion. I have to believe that the God I so love will allow her to know that we think of her all the time.

chateau chic said...

This is a lovely and heartfelt tribute!! As hard as it is to lose a dear friend, I'm sure you will soon have a peace that she is no longer suffering and has been made whole again.
Mary Alice