Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How has so much time passed?

I cannot believe that I moved ten months ago, and am just now getting back online. I wanted to get almost completely unpacked before I allowed myself the joy of being online, but one thing led to another, and now it is October, and I moved back home in January. While there are still some things that remain unpacked, and almost daily I learn of something else that got left behind in the move, at least I am home, and there is comfort in that, in the familiar, in things like Philly cheese steaks, Tastykakes and soft pretzels, even with the Phillies who seem to be doing so well. Now what are those Flyers doing?

New England will always remain with me and I am glad I got to live there, even briefly, but home just feels good and brings comfort. Now to finish the unpacking, and get busy with the things I love to do. I just love the crispness in the air, and needing a blanket when I go to sleep. I am even looking forward to winter!

Happy Fall!

1 comment:

Sue from Oregon said...

Nancy, thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. I always get thrilled when I see a new face join! Hope you enjoy my crafting and if you ever have any questions, just email me!